Special Notice

The North and South car park of Macau International Airport will be closed to the public from 9th December to 20th December 2024. All parked vehicles must leave by 16th December 2024, and any vehicles that have not left may be removed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Should you have any queries, please contact 2886-1111.


Macau Logistics Association

Airport Charges
Customs Clearances
Sea & Road Links
Macau Logistics Association
Macau Freight Forwarders
Cargo Tracking Platform

Tender & Consultation



Macau Logistics Association

Macau Air Freight Forwarding (Logistics) Association

Avenida dos Jardins do Oceano no. 388, Ocean Tower, 4th Floor, Taipa, Macau

Phone: (+853) 2881 2862
Fax: (+853) 2881 2289
Email: maffa@macau.ctm.net

International Logistics and Forwarding Association of Macau

Av. da Praia Grande, no. 369-371, Edf. Keng Ou, 20/F "A ", Macau

Phone: (+853) 2833 5636
Fax: (+853) 2833 5633
Email: ilfam@macau.ctm.net

Macau Air Cargo Express Association

Rua Francisco H. Fernandes, 63 Edf. Wak Dor Lei Com Centre, R/C AA, Macau

Phone: (+853) 2878 6631
Fax: (+853) 2878 6634
Email: info@macea.net

Macau International Courier Association

100 Rua de Roma Edif. Tong Nam Ah Camp, R/C AI-AN, Macau

Phone: (+853) 2875 2010
Fax: (+853) 2875 2010
Email: mica@mica.org.mo

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