Special Notice

The North and South car park of Macau International Airport will be closed to the public from 9th December to 20th December 2024. All parked vehicles must leave by 16th December 2024, and any vehicles that have not left may be removed. We apologize for the inconvenience. Should you have any queries, please contact 2886-1111.

Passenger Guide

Useful Numbers

Airport Public Relations

Telephone (24 hours) (+853) 2886 1111
Fax (+853) 2886 2222

Lost property and left baggage

Telephone (+853) 2886 1111


Airport Police - Airport (+853) 8898 1353
Airport Police - Pac On (+853) 8898 1627
Airport Immigration (+853) 8898 1317
Airport Customs (+853) 8491 1431
SEMAC – Airport Security (+853) 2886 1111

Facilities Contact Numbers

MGTO Group Lounge (+853) 2886 1436
Postal Service (+853) 2886 1465
Global Express Travel Holdings Ltd. (+853) 2886 1228
Agencia de Tansportes MCTS-Hip Hong (+853) 2886 1382
Kee Kwan Motor Road Co. Ltd. (+853) 2886 1389
Airport Information Counter (Departure) (+853) 2886 1111
7-Eleven (+853) 2886 1820
FIR-Departure Counter (+853) 2886 1532
FIR-Arrival Counter (+853) 2886 1535
FIR-Departure Airside (+853) 2886 1534
FIR-Arrival Airside (+853) 2886 1251
China Duty Free (Macau) Limited (+853) 2885 0380
McDonald's (+853) 2886 1550
Plaza Premium Lounge (+853) 8898 2142
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